Contact Luka Bruschi
Boatshed Antigua The Engine House
Royal Clarence Yard
Weevil Lane
Gosport, Hampshire UK

About Luka Bruschi

I started working with Boatshed Antigua in September 2022.

What did you do before working with Boatshed?
Before working with Boatshed, I helped my father with his upholstery cleaning business which has also aided my love for boats as I got to be contracted to work on many boats from various sizes and models, and I am currently working as a captain for a local day charter company.

What attracted you to become part of the Boatshed team?
Having this opportunity to work with Boatshed has opened my eyes up to a whole new aspect of boating which was previously unknown to myself.

Are you a motorboater or a sailor?
I consider myself fortunate to have been born into a boating family so my boating memories are from my childhood. Growing up on an island with a father, who captained sail boats previously in his life, opened up sailing to me, and as I have gotten older and began working with motorboats my heart is torn between the two as they both have their benefits and drawbacks.

What is your most memorable boating experience?
I have a lifetime of wonderful boating experiences but a few really stand out; my first pacific crossing from the Galapagos islands to Tahiti, my first Atlantic crossing from Antigua to Italy, or my first time learning to wakeboard.