Wendy from Boatshed HQ is Raising Money for Cancer Research
On Sunday 10th July I will be taking part in Race for Life in Southsea, Hampshire
Race for Life is a sponsored event to raise money for Cancer Research in which only woman can take part. The first event took place in Battersea Park, London in 1994. At that time there were only 750 participants, nowadays there are hundreds of events around the country with thousands of women taking part. Joining the event means wearing as much pink as possible and walking, jogging or running the 5k or 10k course.
It is amazing to see so many women making the effort to raise money for Cancer Research, some even going through treatment themselves. Anyone can take part whether you are the next Paula Radcliffe or you only walk to the corner shop and back, that is the beauty of this event. It’s certainly not about the winning but the taking part!
This will be my 9th Race for Life and I intend to keep on taking part every year for as long as I can! Each year different people join me and this year my best friend Sharon and her daughter Jessica will be raiding their wardrobes for something pink and completing the 5k course. The day itself is very emotional especially when you read the signs on everyone’s backs stating who they are doing the race for. It certainly brings a lump to your throat to think that thousands of women taking part, all know someone who has been affected.

Myself and my family and have been personally affected by this disease and on the 10th July it will be exactly 5 years since my Dad passed away. I want to raise money so that Cancer Research can continue with their trials to help more people live longer and eventually a cure may be found.
So if you would like to sponsor us and feel like you have helped in some way then you can visit our just giving page and donate. We love to see supporters on the route so if you are passing by Southsea on Sunday 10th July at 11am then keep an eye out for us – we’ll be the ones in pink!!!!
Just giving page
Thanks - Wendy Barker